Purchasing new insurance policies can be overwhelming. There are so many insurance companies and so many options. How do you know you’re getting the best deal for the coverage you need? That’s where independent insurance agents come in.
What is an Independent Insurance Agent?
Instead of working for one large insurance company, an independent insurance agent has access to several companies. This allows them to shop around to get the best price for the policy you, your family, or your business may need. Furthermore, independent insurance agents have lots of knowledge and experience in their local areas. They have an in-depth understanding of the insurance needs of local community members.
The Benefits of Working with an Independent Insurance Agent
When shopping around for insurance policies, one insurance company can only give you a limited amount of options and pricing. However, an independent insurance agent can shop around with many different insurance companies. If you have complex needs, you’re more likely to find the best deal when several companies are at your disposal. Your independent insurance agent can check quotes for multiple policies from multiple companies at the same time, getting you the best price possible. A captive agent (one that only works with one insurance company) can only provide a lower price by reducing the amount of coverage.
Can you still bundle your insurance policies with an independent agent?
Bundling your insurance policies is a great way to save money on your coverage. But can you still bundle your insurance policies with an independent agent? Yes! Independent agents are still able to bundle your policies and save you money. In some cases, they can even bundle your policies if they’re through different companies.
Are you ready to work with an independent insurance agent to get the best deal on your policies? Give Leigh Agency a call today to begin the process.